Support Development Mentorship Community

… benefitting Jamaica’s female youth football community …

“We believe in the potential of young girls who want to play!”


* Raising awareness about the importance of investing in girls football in Jamaica

* Annual Equipment Drops - donated cleats, balls, bags and uniforms delivered and distributed to young girls throughout Jamaica


* In-person Football Clinics that focus on technical and tactical skills and small-sided games

* Facilitation of additional training opportunities and access to youth club participation


* Increased exposure and access to higher-level coaches and players

* Group discussions and information sharing about player development challenges and opportunities


* Creation of a social media network made up of current and former Jamaica National Team players from across the diaspora to provide encouragement, guidance and insights into playing collegiately and professionally


4theGirlz is a US-based service and charitable giving organization that was founded in 2021 by two Jamaica Youth National Team Players: Avery Johnson (JYNT u17 & u20) and Mia Mitchell (JYNT u20). The organization was formed to help address the lack of resources and access experienced by many young aspiring female footballers in Jamaica.

We aim to help fill the void by building on our 4 foundational areas of focus:


The first 4theGirlz event was held in August, 2022 when more than 2 dozen young girls were invited to participate in a 3-day Clinic that included technical skills training, small-sided games, 1 on 1 mentoring and group discussions. Each young player received her own cleats, ball, bag and training uniform.

Avery Johnson currently serves as the Lead Organizer for 4theGirlz - Avery manages all social media presence, corporate outreach, and a team of volunteers in the US and Jamaica who assist with equipment donations and distribution. Avery can be reached regarding inquiries and donations at:

We thank you for your support!

Follow Instagram: 4thegirlzjamaica
